
Winter Skin Care Precautions

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Winter Skin Care Precautions

Winter Skin Care Precautions

When the skin is dry, you can use a small watering can to spray some water around, so that the surrounding air and water will naturally nourish the skin.

Just wash your face twice a day. Washing too much in the morning and evening will not only not have the effect of moisturizing, but also make the skin more and more dry. After washing your face, carefully wipe it off with a towel and then use a finer texture. The towel absorbs the water temperature is also very important when washing the face. The most suitable is about 35 degrees. Too hot water will wash away the oil on the surface of the face and make the skin more dry. Too cold will stimulate the capillaries and damage the skin.

You can choose some hydrating and moisturizing facial masks. For younger skin, it is not advisable to choose expensive facial masks with excess nutrients. The skin itself is rich in collagen. Excessive supplementation of nutrients will make the skin feel tired. Put the cart before the horse. 30 minutes otherwise the moisture in the face will be sucked back by the mask.

The best moisturizing tool is water cucumber. Do not slice it, cut it vertically into thin strips, and stick it to the face one by one, so you don’t have to worry about it falling off. After applying it for a period of time, you will find that the skin is white and supple.

Usually, you can apply some natural aloe vera to moisturizing, anti-inflammatory, and can also eliminate acne. It saves money and is safe, but it is expensive to persevere.

Pay attention to hydration and make masks. Male friends also need to make masks. When the skin is dehydrated, various skin problems will follow. When washing your face, gently pat your face with water.

Use skin care products, if it is too troublesome, just wipe the lotion after cleansing your face every day. Apply some moisturizing essence at night.

Eat more fruits and drink more water. Eat less greasy, fried food. Do a good job of sun protection, sun protection is a basic skin care step. Especially male friends who often go out for a run.



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