
have you heard about black face doll?

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have you heard about black face doll?

have you heard about black face doll?

Blackface doll mechanism:

Blackface doll uses nanoscale toner as a medium. Utilize the characteristics of deep penetration of toner. After the toner particles enter the pores, they are bombarded with a laser. Thereby crushing the dirt and keratin of the epidermis.

At the same time, the high heat energy generated by the toner is transmitted to the dermis layer after being irradiated by the laser to stimulate the repair of collagen fibers and elastic fibers.


Rough skin with large pores.

Blackface Doll Treatment:

4 to 6 times as a course of treatment, once every 4 weeks.

Precautions after black face doll:

1.After using the black-faced doll, there will be short-term redness, swelling, fever and other reactions. If you need to apply a mask, it is recommended to consult a doctor. The mask absorbs heat, cools and hydrates.

2.Avoid direct sunlight and ultraviolet radiation after black

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