
Why do I need a non-surgical face-lift?

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Why do I need a non-surgical face-lift?

Why do I need a non-surgical face-lift?

We age every day.

Wrinkles, fine lines, loose skin, and saggy areas appear on our faces as we age. Much of this is due to the loss of collagen from our skin.

skin lifting system

The dermis layer in our skin is approximately 80% Type I collagen (the most abundant type of collagen in our body), and another 15% consists of Type III collagen, fibroblasts, elastin and hyaluronic acid. Together, they are key components of our skin’s extracellular matrix and provide it with structure, elasticity and firmness.

From our mid to late 20s, our body’s own regenerating capability and production of collagen decreases. Despite our best efforts, we lose 1-2% of our collagen levels in the skin every year.

While surgery such as a “surgical face-lift” used to be the only option for treatment of wrinkles and skin laxity, a variety of non-surgical, non-invasive options are available today. HIFU systems is the most excellent way to skin lift.


HIFU machines uses high-intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU), also known as micro-focused ultrasound (MFU), to deliver heat to deep facial tissues (heating from “inside-out”, as opposed to “top-down” for Thermage).

This allows HIFU to target multiple depths under the skin, ranging from 1.5mm, 3.0mm to 4.5mm. The depth of 4.5mm reaches the sub-dermis and subcutaneous tissues and is deeper than what Thermage can achieve. Hence, HIFU can tighten deep tissues in addition to the skin.

At the depth of 4.5mm, HIFU targets the superficial musculoaponeurotic system (SMAS), which is a thin, band-like muscle which spans the lower half, sides of face as well as the neck. The SMAS is also the same muscle which is targeted by plastic surgeons when doing a surgical “face-lift”! This makes HIFU systems very efficient in lifting saggy lower face and neck tissues.

Due to the ability of HIFU to reach depths of the subcutaneous tissue under the skin and the heat energy accumulated at such depths (approximately 60-70 degrees Celsius), this thermal-coagulation effect achieved is able to induce volume reduction of selected target areas (read: melt fats!). This is especially so in the lower face such as the jowls. This makes HIFU systems a good choice for those with excess tissue and saggy areas. 

How long does HIFU last?

To me, the beauty of HIFU systems is that results are completely genuine and permanent (unlike fillers or threads, which can “dissolve” away) – this is because it stimulates your body’s own mechanisms of collagen production. Collagen produced through this means is hence natural, safe (they are manufactured by your own fibroblast cells after all!), and long-lasting.

Of course, we continue to age and eventually, our collagen levels decrease again and signs of aging appear. This usually happens in 12-18 months and this may be when a repeat procedure may be beneficial.

Scientific studies and clinical trials have been performed to evaluate the effectiveness of both radiofrequency and HIFU-based treatments for skin tightening and lifting. It has been found that skin and tissue tightening continues for 3 months after the end of radiofrequency treatment and that subsequent remodeling and re-orientation of collagen bundles and the formation of new collagen is achieved over months after treatment.

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