Vacuum: The maximum negative pressure suction output of 80KPa enables the radio frequency energy to reach the subcutaneous tissue (fat layer) more effectively. The suction and release effect of negative pressure promotes blood circulation and improves the metabolism of local tissues.
rolling: The roller (rolling & lifting) can promote the elimination of some metabolic wastes, apoptotic cells and foreign bodies, and at the same time promote the microcirculation of the tissue, thereby improving the skin look and feel, restoring the skin texture, and reducing the accumulation of subcutaneous fat .
940nm infrared laser: 940nm (IR) (maximum 20W) infrared laser can penetrate the entire skin layer, and has the effects of expanding blood vessels, stimulating blood circulation, accelerating lymph circulation, and improving blood oxygen saturation of local tissues; accelerating the metabolism of subcutaneous fat tissue .
Bipolar rf: 1MHz radio frequency energy to produce X, Y, Z three-axis columnar distribution in the subcutaneous tissue, the tissue temperature rises, and the activity of lipolytic enzymes is enhanced, which can fully use Triglycerides in fat cells are released.