
Precautions for skin care before bed

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Precautions for skin care before bed

Precautions for skin care before bed

The first is to remove makeup. Many people do not pay attention to removing makeup, thinking that washing their face is enough, but this is not acceptable. There will be a lot of dust on the face at the end of the day. When adding makeup, apply foundation makeup. Only with makeup remover can the foundation makeup and dirt be removed. If you don’t remove makeup, the pores will be blocked, inflamed, and acne.

When washing your face, some people think that you should use more facial cleanser, rub your face vigorously, and wash your face for a while and it will be clean. This is not right, so it is easy to age the facial skin. When washing your face, just use an appropriate amount of facial cleanser, then gently circle it, and wash the entire face for about a minute.

Most of the masks are used before going to bed at night. Many people think that the mask will be absorbed better if it is applied for a longer time. This is wrong. Applying the mask is usually between 15 minutes and 20 minutes, and can not exceed 20 minutes at most, because the best absorption effect can be achieved in about 15 minutes to 20 minutes, and the facial skin will be unable to breathe for a long time. It is easier to clog pores.

When using eye cream, many people are very rude and forceful. Since the skin around the eyes is very sensitive and fragile, be sure to apply and massage gently when using eye cream, otherwise it will cause the formation of eye lines around the eyes.

Another problem when using skin care is the amount of use. Many people think that using more will have an effect, which is all wrong. The amount of skin care products is just right, and the absorption capacity of the skin is also limited. Excessive use will cause excessive skin nutrition and skin problems.

The last one is sleep, which also affects the skin. Often staying up late and sleeping irregularly will cause the skin to have pigmentation, wrinkles, dark circles and other problems. Be sure to develop good sleep habits and ensure adequate sleep to keep your skin healthy.



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