
Lipo hifu after use effect

Views: 13     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2017-06-30      Origin: Site

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Lipo hifu after use effect

Hifu also known as Ultherapy or Ulthera uses the power of Ultrasound to safely lift and tighten skin. Ultrasound is a form of energy that is significantly different than light such as IPL and Lasers or Electrical (Radio-Frequency) energy. Hifu, protects the skin surface, whilst precisely penetrating at deeper depths and higher temperatures than Radio Frequency for example, treating beyond the Dermis and Foundation layers, where structural weakening starts. 

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Tissue at the target point is heated to ~65°C, Thermal Heat is created with the skin tissue creating both spaced ‘wounds’ and cellular friction - which in turn promotes healing, immediately contracts collagen and stimulates a rapid production. Over the next 90-180 days, the wound-healing response stimulates long-term tissue and leads to further lifting and tightening, with results that can last years. 

It also helps to improve the tone and all the features of your face such as your eyes, cheeks, mouth, chin and skin also making it a viable alternative to Botox, with the benefit of being able to maintain facial expression. Excellent for post surgical face lift to maintain the lift and treat blood stasis, scarring, and numbness. 

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