
How many HIFU treatments are necessary?

Views: 34     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2018-11-22      Origin: Site

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How many HIFU treatments are necessary?

How many HIFU treatments are necessary (2)HIFU Therapy is a safe, non-surgical ultrasound treatment that counteracts the effects of time and gravity on your skin. The treatment uses the body’s own regenerative response to gently and gradually lift skin on the eyebrow, under the chin, and on the neck, and smooth lines and wrinkles.

During the treatment the transducer delivers and deposits focused ultrasound energy deep beneath the skin at the optimal temperature for collagen regeneration. The treatment jumpstarts a natural process, known as neo-collagen, to produce fresh, new collagen. The treatment itself doesn’t involve any creams, fillers or toxins, it just relies on your body’s own collagen-building process for natural, noticeable results.

Most clients have obvious results after only one session.

And also more treatments are based on the degree of skin laxity, the biological response to ultrasound energy and the individual’s collagen-building process, some clients may benefit from additional treatments. 

Because skin continues to age, future touch-up treatments can help clients keep pace with the body’s natural aging process.

So for the best results, there are 2-3 sessions treatments sessions.

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