
High intensity focused ultrasound for body

Views: 7     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2018-02-08      Origin: Site

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High intensity focused ultrasound for body

HIFU is the latest technology used to target specific focused areas of fat in the fastest possible treatment time.

The high frequency of the ultrasound wave results in heating under the skin, effectively destroying the fat cells and tightening the skin in the area treated.

The treated cells are then flushed away via the body’s natural removal process. This process continues for up to 6 months post treatment.

high intensity focused ultrasound

How It Works?

The HIFU handpiece delivers focussed ultrasound waves to a precise depth to cause Necrosis of the fat cell.

The controlled movement of the handpiece results in a grid of treated fat cells.

The high frequency of the ultrasound wave, results in a rapid heating of the focal zone at 1.3cm and 8mm under the skin leaving the skins surface unaffected.

Disclaimer: Results vary from person to person due to family history, age and different skin types.

How long do the results last?

Dr. Fin: Optimal results usually occur two to three months after the procedure. It can be long lasting but cannot be considered permanent because of multiple factors such as lifestyle, diet and exercise. Multiple sessions may be needed depending on the target region and amount of fat in the region.

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